Archive for September, 2015

28 September, 2015

PgOpen recap

by gorthx

We’ve wrapped up another PostgresOpen! The official numbers aren’t in yet, but we were up a significant percentage from last year. We had so many last-minute registrants and walk-ups that we ran out of extra badges.

Even better, I got to attend most of the talks on my list.

I can’t pick a favorite, but judging by the amount of notes I took, I learned the most in Joe Celko’s talk on measurement scales. The concepts and nomenclature were vaguely familiar from my long-ago education in the sciences, and it was interesting to tie them in with what I’m doing now.

Grant gave an excellent introduction to RDS Pg. I even learned some things. If you’re new to RDS Postgres, you should take this tutorial next time it’s offered. I continue to be impressed with the RDS team members; not only are they a whip-smart group, they’re also very personable and kind.

I learned about \ef (allows you to edit functions in place) in Keith Fiske’s Don’t Forget the Elephant, and was also reminded of how far Postgres has come, even just since 9.0. So many useful features!

Stella’s SQL Guru talk gave me some good pointers on window functions.

Slides for most of the talks are available on the wiki, and videos are on the way.

Between the social events and prepping for the Tour des Fleurs, I did not have time to see much of Dallas. I’ll likely run the TDF again next year, if the conf coincides with it. LMK if you’d like to join. The course is mostly flat; there’s one small hill.

Great to see everyone and hope to see you again next year!