Archive for February, 2015

2 February, 2015

Updating My Linux Command line Toolbox, episode 3

by gorthx

Part 2

This week’s tips:

1. ulimit -a will show you all settings, plus the units.

2. crontab -l -u [user] will read out another user’s crontab for you (assuming you have the right perms)

3. and what I call “diff-on-the-fly” – pass the output of shell commands to diff. I like this one because I don’t make a bunch of “temporary” files that I forget to clean up later.

diff <([shell commands]) <([other shell commands])

For example, I need to compare ids in two files, but they’re in different fields in each file, and not in the same order:

diff <(cut -d"," -f1 file1 | sort -u) <(cut -d"," -f3 file2 | sort -u)